Thursday 11 November 2010

Learn how to fish

How to Fish

You have decided that you want to learn to fish. There are several ways of learning, the hardest being trial and error. It would be best to find an instructor for one-on-one lessons.

1. Buy seasickness medication

Nothing is worse than ruining your fishing because of seasickness. Most seasickness medication e.g. Bonine would be fine. Even seasoned fishermen are known to take some on rough days. Take one before you go to sleep, another when you wake up and a third one before you board.

2. Buy a reference book

A lot of good books are available at your bookstores and online. The book should give you instructions as well as terms and definitions. Some things you may not immediately understand but you should know anyway. Learn how to tie different kinds of knots. This knowledge will be invaluable for other purposes throughout your life.

3. Go fishing with someone else

Most people learn how to fish, by going fishing with someone else, in my opnion, its the best method to learn the basics of any type of fishing style

4. Go to a party

There are party boats that carry from fifteen to as many as sixty anglers. The boat provides everything like bait, rod, reel, sinkers and hooks. They assist you in fishing and take the fish off the hook for you. Mates will spot you and will generally stay close to assist you. Party boats generally will cost you $25 - $70 a day, and the fish are yours to keep. The party boat is a bargain for beginners.

5. Pick your pier

Assuming you have already acquired skills to operate a rod and reel, you need to look for a fishing pier.
Majority of coastal cities have one public pier or pay-to-fish pier. You can rent tackle and buy bait at the piers. If you're having trouble, there are many pier anglers willing to help and give you tips.

6. Party or pier

You may want to do either step three or four or both at this point. The best thing to do is to do both several times to really learn.

7. The reel deal

The conventional reel is probably what you're using up to this point. The conventional reel is designed for a lot of wear and tear. You may now want to consider other types and makes of reels. Ideally you have met people and perhaps made a friend or two who can assist you in selecting a reel. You can even ask a tackle shop owner for tips.

You need to understand the mechanics of the reel and the other equipment. Learning to cast, tie knots and bait are not that complicated. Secondly, you need to learn where to fish. Successful fishermen know where the fish are located. Fish move from place to place and knowledgeable anglers understand these patterns and are able to anticipate where the fish are located.

Monofilament Line

Monofilament is preferred over other fishing lines as they are user friendly and can be designed to adapt to the changing fishing conditions. Polymers in definite proportion are heated till they turn into a fluid of desired consistency. This hot fluid is then extruded through very small holes to form strands of line. The diameter of the line is determined by the size of extrusion hole. This is then cooled quickly. The ingredient that goes into the making of Monofilament fishing line determines the features of line such as limpness, strength, toughness and casting. Stiffer lines hold the shape of the spool.  They are cheaper to use. However the costlier versions are more durable and have consistent strength, color and diameter. This has amazing potential to stretch. The wider range of stretch becomes more flexible when big fishes get hooked and at same time it’s difficult to hook. The degree to which the fishing line can be stretched depends on the amount of additives that goes into the making.

Braided Lines

Braided lines derive their name from the way they are braided with fibres into strands of lines. The usual material used is Spectra or Micro-Dyneema. They are so strong that fish can not easily tear it apart. It also resists abrasion to greater extent. Most of the anglers do not prefer braided lines for fresh water fishing. This is because braids are more blatant in clear water. In an attempt to attract the fish using the bait, the fish should not be harmed. While using a braided fishing line care has to be taken to ensure that it can handle the rod well. Sometimes the braid cuts into the cheap guides. The braids have a small diameter. These weightless fishing lines are the best option for topwater baits. Braids are too tough and can be cut only using scissors.

Fly fishing line

Fly-fishing lines are made of woven synthetic strands coated with several thin layers of plastic; three different types of lines are formed. The various types of lines are the ones that float, that sink gradually and the lines that sink immediately. The type of line is chosen based on the nature of casting. A double-taper fly line is noted by its smaller diameter at its first and last 8 m and a larger diameter all through the rest of line. Contrary to this Weight-forward tapers are designed in such a way that, they have a larger diameter in the front portion than rest of the line. Sometimes fly lines are heavy and cumbersome to cast. To ease this problem fly-fishers fix a small sized monofilament line at the end of the fly line. This is called leader and is much lighter than the fly line. This facilitates the angling without causing any disturbances or turbulence on the surface of water. This invisible attachment draws attraction of the fish. The leader makes the lure more natural and protects them from being damaged.